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Mathematics and Numeracy

The following page provides information on the coverage of skills taught within mathematics and numeracy for the autumn term. These are:

Place Value 

Recognising the value of digits, rounding to the nearest 10,100, comparing and ordering numbers, solving numbers using place value, estimating numbers

Addition and Subtraction 

Adding and subtracting numbers using manipulatives using 2, 2 digit numbers, bridging 10 and 100, knowing the inverse connection, fact families and solving problems using different representations, always, sometimes, never, true and false statements

Multiplication and Division 

Revise 2, 5 and 10 x tables, introduce 3 and 4 times tables, use corresponding division facts, use appropriate multiplication and division strategies to solve problems


Recognise and describe 2 D shapes according to their properties. Draw 2 D shapes


 Use scales related to multiplication to read temperature, choose and use appropriate measuring equipment, measure, order and compare temperatures, use <> = to compare measurements, solve problems using temperature, introduce negative numbers on a scale practically, apply addition and subtraction skills


 Place 2 and 3 digits on a number line to find differences, use prediction to estimate calculations, more than and less than <>=, A+B = B + A, A x B = B x A, generate a pattern following given criteria, explore patterns, identify an error in a given pattern/sequence, Fill in a missing object/item showing an understanding of the pattern/sequence, Count in steps of 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s, count in odds and evens, forward and backwards in whole number, complete missing values within a given sequence, generate sequences starting at and ending at different points, including counting back


Pupils are challenged every week to improve their fluency in integral number skills such as multiplication and addition facts. Here is an example of the Year Three Big Maths Challenge. Pupils are encouraged to use the habit 'Get it Right!' to improve their scores and time. Here is an example below: