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Vision and Values

Nurturing, Growing, Thriving

Meithrin, Tyfu, Llwyddo


Danescourt Primary aspires to be:

•A pioneer in education with high aspirations
•At the heart of our community, working in partnership to provide a welcoming, motivating, learning experience for all
•A provider of a vibrant, relevant curriculum, where everyone is challenged and inspired to shine


Our aims for pupils as learners are that they are:

•culturally and socially inclusive and tolerant, making positive contributions to Danescourt Primary School and the wider community
•globally and ethically informed, ready to adapt to an ever-changing world and respectful of their local and global environment
•emotionally resilient an confident, able to face challenges, learn from mistakes and take responsible risks
•mindful of, and responsible for, their own health and wellbeing
•flexible and creative with a positive attitude to learning and life
•organised and inquisitive, taking responsibility for their own learning
•collaborators, who build positive relationships based on mutual respect, and respectful of boundaries
•numerate and literate and technologically proficient having high expectations of themselves and their work
•aware that their actions have consequences and are able to take responsibility for the impact their actions may have on the school community, on-line and the wider world


Our school ethos is one that promotes:

•the child at the core of everything

Our non-negotiable aspiration as a school is that:

•Danescourt Primary is a happy school where everyone is valued and inspired to give of their best.