Mathematics and Numeracy
The following page provides information on the coverage of skills taught within mathematics and numeracy for the autumn term. These are:
Initial Assessment | Pupils will be assessed on entry into Reception. |
Place Value |
Counting forwards and backwards to 10 and moving on to, if ready to 20. •One to one correspondence to 10 • Counting items in a set. • Match items to their number e.g. dot cards • make marks attributing meaning to them and/or write numerals in a variety of media up to 10. • Count a long a number track 1-10. |
Shape |
• Begin to recognise circles, triangles, rectangles, including squares. • Use appropriate language to describe simple 2D shapes • Match shapes and names • Investigate properties of shapes through play • Describe position of shapes, e.g. in, on, under, over, beside, between, in front of, around, through, and behind. |
Patterns and Sequences |
Patterns and Sequences • Compare sizes e.g. longer/shorter, heavier/lighter, bigger/smaller. • Explore simple patterns (AB) • Copy and continue simple patterns (AB) • Create simple patterns (AB) |
Addition and Subtraction |
• Number bonds to 5 and 10. • Making pairs of numbers from 5 to 10 • Introduce subtractions linked to pairs of numbers and begin to understand the connection. • Describe what happens when a total changes • Compare quantities • Make sets of different objects linked with role play and stories – add and take away items. • Understand the concept of = and not = |
Pupils are challenged every week to improve their fluency in integral number skills such as multiplication and addition facts. Here is an example of the Year Three Big Maths Challenge. Pupils are encouraged to use the habit 'Get it Right!' to improve their scores and time. Here is an example below: