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Mathematics and Numeracy

The following page provides information on the coverage of skills taught within mathematics and numeracy for the autumn term. These are:

Place Value 

Revise reading and writing numbers to at least 1000 in numerals and, in words, recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit moving onto 4 digits, partition 4-digit numbers, compare and order 4 numbers, use <, > and = signs and place on a number line, revise counting in steps of 3 and 4 from any number, forwards and backwards, identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, use place value and number facts to solve problems

Addition and Subtraction 

Add 2-digit numbers, subtract 2 digit and 2-digit numbers
Use column method to add two 3-digit numbers, use expanded method to subtract two 3-digit numbers with exchange, solve word problems

Multiplication and Division 

Learn the multiplication and division facts for the 6 and 9 times tables, multiply multiples of 10 by single digit numbers, use mental strategies and table facts to divide 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers to give answers between 10 and 35 without remainders

Revise 2-digit numbers by single digit numbers using the grid method, use the grid method to multiply 3 digit by single digit numbers and introduce the expanded method to begin to estimate products, divide numbers up to 2 digits by a single digit numbers with no remainder and a remainder using bus stop method, use appropriate multiplication and division strategies to solve problems


Recognise and draw line symmetry in shapes, draw the other half of symmetrical shapes, classify 2 D shapes into regular and irregular polygons, sort 2 D shapes into types of triangles and quadrilaterals and explain reasoning, revise 3D shapes, find a 2D shape in a 3 D shape, find the perimeter of regular polygons


Scales in different increments, choose and use appropriate measuring equipment to measure temperature, measure, order and compare temperatures, identify negative numbers in a sequence, use <> = to compare measurements, solve problems using temperature, use negative numbers on a scale


Revise A x B = B x A, A+B = B + A, count in steps of 3s, 4s, 6s and 8s, count in odds and evens, forward and backwards in whole numbers, complete missing values within a given sequence
Generate sequences starting at and ending at different points, including counting back,

•Identify a missing number in number sentences using appropriate table facts, addition and subtraction facts

Pupils are challenged every week to improve their fluency in integral number skills such as multiplication and addition facts. Here is an example of the Year Three Big Maths Challenge. Pupils are encouraged to use the habit 'Get it Right!' to improve their scores and time. Here is an example below: