Year 3
A very warm welcome to Year Three's classroom page. As a team, we are very excited to share the learning experiences of the pupils, important information and overviews of the contexts for learning.
"Being yourself is the best thing you can do to yourself, because living in the
shadow of others serves you no good" By John Taskinsoy
Celebrating our own uniqueness but also being accepting of the diversity of human beings.
Our new context for learning this term is 'A Window to My World'. There will be lots of exciting learning opportunities. For example, to bring the curriculum to life, the pupils will be experiencing workshops related to shadow puppetry and script writing.
In the following weeks, the pupils will be provided with opportunities to experience:
- Undertaking independent projects based on our class read of Y Cwilt.
- Carrying out exploration tasks based on light and shadow including how day and night and seasons are created.
- Use literacy skills to create a diary entry based on shadows.
- Asking good questions and using their knowledge of what they know to support their learning through research on and offline
- Using measurements and statistics to collect data on population movement in and out of Wales including information based on school statistics.
- Contributing to deep and meaningful questions based on a variety of stimuli using visible thinking routines and Philosophy for Children (P4C) sessions
- Identifying objects that have special meaning to us including heirlooms. We will compare and contrast the diversity across the class cohorts.
- To understand diversity, identity and acceptance are interlinked knowing that we have a right to express ourselves.
- Immersing themselves in real-life experiences; to include educational visits to theatres and receiving visitors with special expertise in photography.
- Using their digital editing skills to create photographic stills.
- Creating and innovating using new ideas, good risks and thinking flexibly